testimonial two
“I just love the way it’s written - it sounds like the way that I would 'speak' too, so we're definitely aligned there. The Mailchimp newsletter looks awesome! WAY better than I would ever had time to create. Can’t wait to send this out to my customers.”
Gemma Vendetta Cosmetics
I just love the way it’s written - it also sounds like the way that I would 'speak' too, so we're definitely aligned there. The Mailchimp newsletter looks awesome! WAY better than I would ever had time to create. Can’t wait to send this out to my customers— Gemma Vendetta.
testimonial one
“Such a pleasure and an inspiration to work with you Amy. You found the words when I struggled and it’s all second nature to you. You listened and I’m so grateful for all your help and advice along the way 💖 Kate”
- Love Moroccan Rugs
Such a pleasure and an inspiration to work with you Amy. You found the words when I struggled and it’s all second nature to you. You listened and I’m so grateful for all your help and advice along the way 💖 Kate